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Forum » Discussions » Manga/Manhwa » What mangas/manhwas that stays in ur mind/heart? (scenes or storyline that u remember most of the manga)
What mangas/manhwas that stays in ur mind/heart?
shimaDate: Wednesday, 2013-01-02, 5:53 AM | Message # 1
Group: Reader
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This thread specifies on a specific scene/storyline/character, that got you hooked on the manga for a long time, and makes you read and re-read and keep on re-reading and doesn't make u feel bored, despite how many times you've read the manga. And actually, the reason you re-read the manga is because of the particular scene or character or story.

I'll give you an example:

I still re-read Kanata Kara until now, despite i've been buying the series back in the late 90s it got published in my country. What makes me remember about kanata kara so much is the scene where noriko found out she's the chosen one, and izaku is the demon being who tried to find her to kill her, and running away from izaku in the woods, and izaku catches up to noriko and confess everything, but in the end, he said "i need you." and afterwards, noriko kissed his back, n he cried. back then i cried while reading the 7th volume where the scene is presented.

i really like hikawa sensei's earliest works, so it's 1 of many scenes i remember of her works. it's so shoujo, but it's simple and somewhat believable for me. izaku is my ideal man actually. hahah...

i can name you a few more of different mangas, but i'd like to hear from you what's yours. :)
xanthenicoleDate: Sunday, 2016-01-10, 1:52 PM | Message # 2
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Hmmm?  This is a good question that makes me stop and think.  I've never thought about which manga/manhwa I've ever read that really stays with me.  If I have to say, though, I guess there are many.  Sometimes I am reminded of one and other times another, or they just pop in my head for no apparent reason.  I love Haru wo Daiteita and often think of it.  I re-read this work all the time, too.  I also re-read Finder, but I don't reflect on it often.  Ze is one I have reflected on often, but in spurts, but I don't re-read it.  I have re-read Hey, Class President often, but don't ponder it.  There are just some whose content makes you think and reflect more deeply and others that are just very enjoyable to re-read often.  I am particularly fond of those with deeper content.  Blue Morning, Ai no Kusabi, Ooku, Bride of the Water God, Does the Flower Blossom? are all titles that make me ponder.  I enjoy re-reading works like Twittering Birds Never Fly, Behind Story, Hidoku Shinaide, Elektel Delusion, etc.  In these Words, Ubel Blatt, Betrayal Knows My Name, Silver Diamond, Cantarella, Evil Flowers, Kiss and Never Cry, etc. are all stories that I have both given deeper thought to and re-read.  These are merely a few, though.  There are so many, and it seems so  unfair not to mention them all.   I even find that sometimes I will start remembering and thinking about a title I read years ago, like Mars or Red Moon, but I don't go back to re-read it simply because I have this ungodly list of titles waiting to be read.  The pile is daunting and keeps growing!  So, while I may have the urge to re-read titles again for one reason or another, I don't.
hotscansDate: Sunday, 2016-02-28, 9:28 PM | Message # 3
Group: Reader
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There are three main mangas that I always think of them fondly, "Rurouni Kenshin", "Fullmetal Alchemist" and "Cat Street". Everyone, or almost everyone, knows the first two ones, BUT the last one, "Cat Street" has a very beautiful story. A girl that was a child actor, became a hikikomori. And she has to find the will to live again. I realy liked it!!! :T-Ups:


Message edited by hotscans - Sunday, 2016-02-28, 9:29 PM
grooveygirl66Date: Saturday, 2016-07-09, 8:36 AM | Message # 4
Group: Reader
Messages: 7
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The title that is my reread and reread favorite is Nana. I just keep coming back to this title every time that I am bored, feeling down, when I am at a lost as to what to read, or on a cold rainy day when I wanted to cuddle in a blanket with a good read. I just keep coming back to this title so that I can ride the emotional roller coaster that is depicted throughout the story. The biggest heart break of this title is that it will never be finished since the mangaka has been ill and unable to finish it.
Forum » Discussions » Manga/Manhwa » What mangas/manhwas that stays in ur mind/heart? (scenes or storyline that u remember most of the manga)
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